Zimbabwe Soldiers bash police officers

August 2, 2017
Report Focus News

A MOB of soldiers, clad in Zimbabwe National Army gear, Tuesday late afternoon ran amok and mercilessly beat up ZRP officers in Central Harare.

According to NewZimbabwe.com, a troop of soldiers armed with shamboks, logs and sticks was seen clearing Robert Mugabe Road beating up any police officer along the way.

Others said the soldiers came from different directions with some seen running after the police officers along Simon Muzenda Street (4th Street). Others were seen along Jason Moyo Avenue as they crossed First Street disturbing the smooth flow of the traffic during the pick hour.

Some of the attacked officers ran into Harare Central Police Station with the soldiers in hot pursuit.

Vendors were not spared too as their carts were overturned in the process with some civilians injured in the skirmishes.